What’s Between the Sheets?

Between the Sheets is a publication about relationships for those of us who settle for quickies though we long for something that lasts. It’s flash fiction and prose because life’s moving fast, and your time is precious.

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  • Wordplay that’s occasionally gritty, sometimes humorous, and always passionate

  • Stand-alone stories and the stuff that doesn’t make it into my novels (i.e., incidents from characters’ back stories, spin-offs, and moments of inspiration)

  • Dilemmas for which real people seek advice

  • A new edition the 1st Thursday of every month straight to your inbox


  • Everything coming to free subscribers PLUS

  • Deeper insight to the driving forces behind my characters and their circumstances through narratives and multiple points of view

  • Intimate encounters with me via personal essays and in-depth responses to questions

  • Your special edition on the 3rd Thursday of every month (in addition to the free, first-Thursday installment)


Somewhere hunched over her keyboard for the twelfth consecutive night, a hungry writer trades sleep for dreams, suspends her duties, and disregards family to create a nectar that nourishes her soul. Ignoring pangs she decodes her vision, consults a muse, and transcribes all that she imagines. She'll package the elixir to share with her community. A story. Food for thought. Each sip--a culmination of education, practice, passionate pursuit and hours of painstaking effort--is devoured in seconds despite the writer’s famine. Though for 17 cents a day she could replenish herself and sustain a village of hungry minds.

Want more? Let’s exchange. Subscribe to receive monthly posts and support my art form.

I’m Essence

a daydreamer and night writer, a chronic multitasker, and recovering perfectionist. Relationships are my thing. I’ve been married for more than half my life and have raised kids for nearly as long. I know commitment, sacrifice, hard work, compromise, patience . . . losing patience, love, joy, difficulty, and fostering relations while mediating a fractured, extended family. When all else fails our relationships are what matter. It’s why I write, and what I write about.

To learn more about the author of this publication, visit EssenceAuthor.com

Subscribe to BETWEEN THE SHEETS by Essence Bonitaz

Unrefined musings of a creative writer in love with the art of it all


Debut author of Ajha’s Web: A Series, Essence Bonitaz, is a sign language interpreter by trade and indie novelist at heart. Motherhood, relationships, and her life as an unofficial intermediary fuels an imagination run amok. Here are the stories.